Unidentified speaker
Unidentified speaker spoke 43 times across 18 days of testimony.
They should appear on ---
Our rules do not provide for ---
--- party request undertakings during examination.
Can the witness see the document? Is there a reason we are not putting it to him?
It is with Mr. Arpin, but it mentions a call with Mr. Kanellakos.
So, Commissioner, I’m sure there are 1,000 people who would want to be heard on this issue. I have no idea how that could possibly be relevant to the mandate of the Commission.
May I address you on just one point, Commissioner? The question that you ruled not relevant holds great significance for the Board as the employer of the former Chief. And we’re not a party, and I don’t know how we would deal with the possibility of that being revisited. I know that counsel from -- for Chief Sloly and the Board would take the same position, but I don’t know that there’s any -- is there some other way to deal with that, if the Board’s interests were engaged again? I may not be able to achieve anything, but I thought I would at least raise it with you.
Thank you very much for your consideration. That’s all I have today.
None whatsoever.
So I think help is on the way, Commissioner.
I'm sorry to interrupt. Can we just establish the date of this meeting, please?
I believe they are attending.
Commissioner, the OPP have (indiscernible)
Sorry, counsel; OPP00014410?
No questions. Thank you, Commissioner.
On behalf of the OPP, I have no questions.
If we could, perhaps, just identify for the record that Supt. Bernier, as you can see, has a few documents in front of him. It’s just his scribe notes, the Institution Report, and a clean copy of his witness statement.
I'm so sorry, to my friend. Might we just know what the witness is referring to when the witness is referring to something from the stack that he has? If that was the witness statement, that’s fine. If it was the scribe notes, could we know that? When the witness just refreshed his recollection, Mr. Commissioner, he looked at something. I just wouldn't mind knowing what that is.
Thank you.
Mr. Commissioner, excuse me. I wonder if we could just confirm for the record that the notes Supt. Drummond are referring to are his notes at OPS00014455 on the record?
Thank you.
Counsel, if it helps, I think it's 14568.
Merci monsieur le commissaire.
Pas de questions pour ce témoin, merci.
Excuse me, is there any way to enlarge that for those of us with poor eyesight? Thank you.
We'll not have any questions for this witness, no.
Thank you, Commissioner. We have no questions either.
Sir, that’s -- protection's already been marked as an exhibit. You're listed in -- invocation.
(Off mic)
(Off mic)
I’m sorry to interrupt, Commissioner and Commission Counsel. I think it’s the inverse. The green is Commissioner Carrique and the blue is Commissioner Lucki.
Seems to make sense now that we’ve read ---
--- further.
Excuse me, I don’t think that that’s a fair description of the evidence that was provided by the witness yesterday.
Sorry, can I just -- Ms. Jacques is here -- she happens to be a lawyer. She’s not here to provide her legal arguments.
Sorry, same objection.
Section 16.
I'm going to object to that question. It's an ---
Commissioner, they’ve ceded their time.
Just at large so we can get out of here five minutes earlier.
Yes, Mr. Commissioner. They have confirmed that they do not request time, or if they did, they're not proceeding with it. If there is a party that requested time and has not been called, now would be the time to do it in case there was issue with the sheet.
I’m not necessarily endorsing that. I’m just saying it’s a possibility.
Obviously everything was said that needed to be said, clearly.